Friday, June 18, 2010

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

I have Blonde hair and it's a little passed my shoulders and i need a new hair style and i see all these girls who look great with layers .please can u send me some cute pictures of layering cuts .Thanks..

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

I have blonde layered hair. Unfortunately, I don't have a good picture of it.

Try Jac Vanek? She's a photographer/model/fashion designer.

here's a picture of her:

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

well i wasn't able to get you pictures but i think it would look good with a "v" shape cut! it would give you layers!!

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

you should get side bangs and have it in long layers or get it angled. or search on google for hairstyles.

good luck

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

i kind of like these

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

Her hair is highlighted and I love how her hair is layered perfectly

Super cute layering hair cuts for a blonde.Pictures included:]]?

hope those help :)

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