Friday, June 18, 2010

Boyfriends hair cut..?

My boyfriend got his hair cut and it's awful. What do I say to him? I don't want to lie to him, but don't want to upset him either! What do I do? I know it sounds harsh but I really don't like it!

Boyfriends hair cut..?

Just tell him you liked it when it was this way or that way. Which ever way you perferred it!! Also dont wry its gunna grow back in NO time!!

Boyfriends hair cut..?

just tell him you liked it better when it was longher or that you could ask him what he thinks about it.....

Boyfriends hair cut..?

LOL! well i think you should tell him the truth. He will appreciate it in the long run. Dont lie to him by telling him its a nice cut when deep inside you hate it. Im sure he will understand that, that is your opinion.

Boyfriends hair cut..?

just tell him he dont look like himself anymore.or just be plain and tell him you dont like it. but its his head and peole are gonna look at him not you.

Boyfriends hair cut..?

It depends on his attitude. Some guys are obsessed with their appearance. But if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't mind if she said my hair looked awful. I would get it changed for her.

Boyfriends hair cut..?

it's a tricky one. i gues you will just have to say you like it the other way. or suggest something else.

Boyfriends hair cut..?

Ha! This happens to me w/ my husband all the time. Just tell him you really don't find his new cut as attractive as his old look.If his feelings get hurt there are some really fun ways to make it up to him(just turn the lights off first!lol!)

Boyfriends hair cut..?

This happened with my boyfriend and I once. I just straight up told him that I liked it better the way he had it. He grew it back out and now when it gets too long, he just trims it. Hope this helps=)

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