Friday, June 18, 2010

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

what is the best time of year to have my dogs hair cut back?

He lives indoors, but soaks up water like a sponge when he goes for walks and takes hours to dry out.

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

Take your golden to the groomers and have his paws done! This will help tremendously. It is not recommended to trim the feathering too much. It ruins the fur! You can ask the groomer to trim his feathering a bit but don't go nuts ok. You can also ask them to give him a summer tummy cut too! It helps them stay cool!

Here a very good article about not shaving your Golden. It is not a good thing to do and will not keep your golden cool at all. Causes more problems than it is worth.

Here the article for you too read:

You get a bonus too. Thats recipe for deskunking works great!

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

Take to a groomer, and tell the groomer you want the Golden cut back, but not shaved, it is a nice cut, and the dog drys faster and wont lose their beautiful coat ....

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

You can cut his hair any time you would like. He is an indoor dog, you just have to be more aware of when he gets cold, or get him a coat.

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

A Golden does not need a haircut. They shed, so just a good brushing every other day will help. Beware, shaving a golden is very bad for the skin. The glossy top coat protects against UV rays, but if you shave it off, the dog has no protection. The top coat also keeps it warm in the winter (with the additional undercoat) and cool in the summer. The most you should ever need to do is a small trim near the pads.

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

A groomer can thin the coat out so that it not so thick. They use thinning shears just like a regular barber. It is also advisable to get a bath %26amp; blow out. The blow out is a really powerful dryer that blows out all the loose coat.

You should be brushing him really good at least once a week. Use a slicker brush designed just for this purpose. Grabs the loose coat %26amp; pulls it right out. There is a special technique to using this brush so asking the groomer about the proper way it is done will save you lots %26amp; lots of time .

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

take him to a groomer. They should give a nice winter trim and then when it warms up can groom him down a lot for the summer.

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

in the late spring or early summer

Hair cut for a golden retriver?

OMG you cant be serious. Golden retrievers hair should not be cut.............if you do, it will grow back twice as thick and be totally uncontrollable.

Get him a coat to put on him when he has got wet like a Trover Coat, they are excellent, especially for 'water dogs'!!

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