Friday, June 18, 2010

Highlights and hair cuts?

Alright, I cut my hair and highlighted (using a homemade kit) it some months ago. Since then, I've gotten my hair trimmed several times and the highlights are growing out.

If I got my hair highlighted again before the highlights grew out completely, what would happen? Would it look weird? Should I wait for the highlights to grow out completely or what?


Highlights and hair cuts?

If u r going to a professional stylist she will be able to answer this best. If you are going to stay with the same color highlights then she can pull it thru the cap or foil matching what u already have, if u decide to go with a different color of highlights then u can cover old highlights up using a semi permanent color to match ur natural color then highlight it.

Highlights and hair cuts?

People get thier hair colored over color all the time and never let it grow completly out. I dont think anything will be wrong with your hair. It will look like your hair was highlighted, that's all. Go for it!

Highlights and hair cuts?

It depends what sort of colours your working with. If you are going blonde and using bleach it can be hard to get the colour even from root to tip because obviously your natural colour (re-growth) is very diffirent to the highlights; therefore the colour won't turn out the same from top to bottom.

However, if your going darker than your natural hair colour, it should turn out even.

Highlights and hair cuts?

yes, wait or it might look choppy

Highlights and hair cuts?

as long as the original highlights aren't orangy or anything it will look fine. i do this all the time. it will just eventually make your hair lighter in general.

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